he takes the wheel, and steers the great ship of his business through the heavy seas of modern competition読み方
- he takes the wheel, and steers the great ship of his business through the heavy seas of modern competition日本語の意味:その会社の舵輪を握ってかじを取り, 現代の競争の荒海を乗り切っていく
- he takes the wheel, and steers the great ship of his business through the heavy seas of modern competitionの意味:その会社の舵輪を握ってかじを取り, 現代の競争の荒海を乗り切っていく
- "he takes no interest in his clothes"読み方
- "he takes out his frustration on me when things go badly at work"読み方
- "he takes pleasure in flouting social convention"読み方